They usually make this kind of purchase on the internet and therefore do not know what to expect before receiving their order. However, many users who hesitated for a long time before taking action to increase the size of their penis or improve other areas of their lives are now fully satisfied with their choice. If you find yourself in the same situation, we advise you to take into account the following ten signs in order to decide whether you should act or not.
You have specific size expectations
Some men want to increase the size of their penis to fulfill their teenage fantasies. All men have dreamed of having huge sex at some point, but their expectations usually change when they start having sex. It is important to have a realistic goal to appreciate the results obtained with a penis extender.
You are aware of the effort you will have to make
Penis extenders have no magic power. You will have to put effort and dedicate time to the exercises that will allow you to enlarge your penis. You will need to wear the device for a certain period of time and use certain techniques in order to limit the side effects of this method. It is therefore imperative to take all these elements into account if you decide to use this type of device.
You can track your progress
Some men have to wait to see the effectiveness of penis extenders. For this, they must scrupulously respect their program for at least 6 weeks. This method requires as much willpower and involvement as other body modification processes, such as diets or bodybuilding.
You are patient by nature
We would like to insist on this point: When using a penis extender, it is sometimes necessary to wait more than a month before noticing the first results. Most users notice significant progress after 6-8 weeks of use. It is imperative that you be patient and consider the long-term results.
The size of your penis puts your sex life at risk
The only reason that should encourage a man to enlarge his sex should be his desire to improve his sex life and enjoy a fulfilling sexuality. You should not enlarge your penis to please other people or to look like actors/celebrities.
You have already taken steps to improve your appearance/health
The abilities you have developed by working out/following a program or diet will come in very handy when using a device to enlarge the penis. These devices are also more effective when used by healthy and fit men. You can also enlarge your penis by doing exercises that allow you to refine your waist and strengthen your perineum. It will also increase the effectiveness of enlargement techniques.
The increase in the sensitivity of your Sex is not a problem for you
A temporary increase in penile sensitivity is one of the most common effects of using an expander device. This can be a problem for men who ejaculate prematurely. If this problem concerns you, we advise you to find out about the treatments that can combat this disorder with your doctor. You can use supplements like Male extra and over-the-counter medical devices like anesthetics or special condoms. Your doctor may also prescribe medications that are used informally to treat these disorders.
You have already learned about the subject
We therefore advise you to take the time to learn about the different models available, their efficiency and their manufacturers. This basic research will help you make the right choice and better understand how these devices work.
You have inquired about the manufacturer of the device you have chosen
When you have selected a few models of extenders, you will need to find out about the companies that market them. As with all products, there are reliable companies and others that are best avoided. We therefore recommend that you do your research to find out who you should contact.
You have already discussed it with your partner
If you have decided to enlarge your penis, you should tell your partner about it. You will probably find it difficult to broach the subject, but it will surely allow you to discuss other equally delicate problems. This will allow you to find other ways to satisfy each other if the use of the expander device temporarily prevents you from having sex. We advise you to take this opportunity to experiment with new things that will satisfy your partner. This will give you the opportunity to perfect your techniques in order to improve your sex life and your relationship as a couple.