Many ideas come to mind when talking about the pros and cons of circumcision. Some people decide to opt for circumcision for cultural, social or religious reasons, while other people make this choice to preserve their personal hygiene. For some it is an easy choice because it is motivated by religious beliefs or cultural habits, but other people sometimes find it difficult to decide to take the plunge. If you have decided to get circumcised, we recommend that you speak with your doctor so that he can help you choose the option that is best for you. In this article, we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of circumcision.
What are the benefits of circumcised penis?
Circumcision provides several benefits, discover some of them below:
Circumcision reduces the risk of infection. Men with uncircumcised penises can have several health issues, including inflammation, irritation, and infection (bacterial or fungal). Circumcised men groom themselves more easily than those with uncircumcised penises. Bacteria or fungi can easily multiply if you don't wash your penis every day, especially if you are uncircumcised.
Circumcision reduces the risk of inflammatory skin diseases in the genital area. It also reduces the risk of inflammation in the genital area, especially around the glans. Individuals with circumcised penises are less likely to have papules on their penis (pearl crown of the glans) than uncircumcised men.
Circumcision also reduces the risk of penile cancer. Although this form of cancer is rather rare in men, uncircumcised men have a higher risk of contracting penile cancer than circumcised men.
The risk of cervical cancer is also reduced in women who have sex with a circumcised partner. The risk of asymptomatic transmission of diseases like herpes or genital warts (which could increase the risk of cervical cancer) to your partner is reduced when your penis is healthy and you don't have any sexually transmitted infections.
Circumcision reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections, which includes HIV. Several studies have shown that men with circumcised penises are less likely to contract a sexually transmitted infection. Circumcision alters the bacterial ecosystem of the penis and this is likely what reduces the risk of STDs and HIV infection.
Circumcision decreases the risk of urinary tract infections. According to estimates, urinary tract infections are about ten times more common in uncircumcised men. Circumcision would therefore have the effect of reducing the risk of urinary tract infection.
Although circumcision provides several medical benefits, it also carries some risks, like all surgical procedures. The latter are however weak and are generally limited to micro-bleeding and local infections because major complications remain very rare. The advantages of circumcision are much greater than the risks incurred during the procedure. Your doctor will use a local or injectable anesthetic to make the procedure painless. He may also prescribe analgesics for postoperative pain.
Circumcision has provoked a great debate, some people recommend to practice this intervention in a systematic way but several experts oppose it. This disagreement is probably due to the following reasons:
Circumcision can reduce genital sensitivity. Many people claim that uncircumcised penises are more sensitive than circumcised penises and that this procedure reduces the pleasure experienced during sex. However, circumcision can be useful for people who suffer from premature ejaculation. You can add your testimonial below if you want to talk about sexual pleasure or other issues that concern you.
Circumcision can cause certain complications. Although major complications remain very rare; some problems, such as postoperative bleeding and infections, can be serious if not treated immediately. But the risk is very low if the doctor performing the procedure prescribes appropriate medications and antibiotics.
We therefore recommend that you take the time to reflect, to inform yourself, and to seek the advice of doctors and experts if you decide to have yourself circumcised. If circumcision can help you solve your problem without potential risk, we advise you to undergo this intervention without hesitation.