Coughlan Syndrome Or Anorgasmia: Causes And Treatment

Coughlan Syndrome Or Anorgasmia: Causes And Treatment

Coughlan's syndrome is also called anorgasmia, this term refers to the repeated and persistent absence of orgasm despite sufficient sexual stimulation. This disorder mainly concerns women and affects 10 to 15% of them. This condition is classified as a sexual disorder because it prevents women from reaching orgasm even when they are intensely sexually stimulated.

Men who suffer from this disorder may find it difficult to ejaculate or have delayed ejaculations. This disorder usually causes great sexual frustration. This disease rarely affects young men and mainly affects postmenopausal women or women over the age of 45.

What are the factors that can cause male anorgasmia?

Orgasms are felt differently depending on the individual because their sensations of pleasure are different. The frequency and intensity of orgasms are also variable, as is the intensity of the stimulation that makes it possible to reach orgasm because this criterion also differs from one person to another.

Orgasm is brought about by the combination of certain physical, psychological and emotional factors. Orgasm can be difficult or impossible to achieve when a problem affects these factors. Studies indicate that certain diseases and neurological disorders can affect an individual's sexual response cycle.

Diseases and treatments that affect blood flow in the pelvic region such as hypertension, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and drugs used to treat diabetes can cause anorgasmia. Other causes of this condition include injuries that damage the spinal cord, cauda equina syndrome, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, hormonal disorders, Addison's disease, Cushing's syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, hypopituitarism and other chronic diseases.

What methods are used to diagnose Anorgasmia?

It is important to determine the precise cause of anorgasmia before prescribing treatment for this disorder. Specialists may advise patients to undergo a mental status examination when anorgasmia is caused by psychological factors. When caused by psychological disorders and affecting women, this condition usually causes significant stress and depressive symptom. The specialist will ask the patients about their temporal relationship, their sexual disorders and the variations in their mood.

Anorgasmia can also be caused by anxiety and depression. When it turns out that this disorder is caused by stress or anxiety, specialists can advise their patients to consult a psychologist in order to try to learn how to better manage their problems. Psychotherapy can alleviate anorgasmia in women who have suffered sexual trauma and those who suffer from sexual shyness.

When anorgasmia appears to be caused by another underlying condition, the specialist may order blood tests to identify the condition in question. Frequently ordered tests include:

A blood test that allows you to perform a complete blood count (hemogram).

– Analysis of estradiol level. – Hepatic check. – Analysis of testosterone levels. – FSH/LH dosage. – SHBG dosage. – Thyroid test. – Dosage of prolactin. – Analysis of cholesterol level and fasting blood sugar level.

The tests mentioned above are usually ordered to check if anorgasmia is caused by diabetes, a hormonal disorder or hypothyroidism.

Important information: In order to help doctors make a reliable diagnosis, we recommend that you accurately answer all questions that will be asked of you. You should not feel embarrassed to answer the questions asked by the specialists because your answers can help them to identify the causes of your anorgasmia.

Sexual disorders are generally complex and specialists must imperatively take into account all the medical histories of patients in order to offer them an effective treatment.

What are the recommended treatments to treat Anorgasmia?

Male anorgasmia can be treated using supplements specifically designed for men. These products can lessen the severity of the disorders that cause this condition. This type of supplement can improve libido, sexual desire, stamina and intensify sexual pleasure. In cases of female anorgasmia, this disorder can be treated with the help of hormonal patches or medication designed to treat hormonal imbalances.

Other accessories, such as clitoris pumps or drugs designed to optimize blood circulation inside the genitals can be used to intensify sexual pleasure and arousal. We advise you to be optimistic and avoid situations that can stress or depress you in order to improve your sex life.

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