When erectile dysfunction is a problem, men tend to scramble to find a solution. Many turn to medication, while others are really looking for where the breakdown is coming from. But for some men, erectile dysfunction is just another problem to overcome by exercising.
But can erectile dysfunction really be overcome with exercise?
Well yes, but not in the traditional sense. You see, erectile dysfunction is not a problem that can be overcome with dumbbells and a horizontal bar, but you need to focus on a very specific muscle group: Your pelvic floor.
The pelvic floor is the collection of muscles found in the pelvis. This set is responsible for controlling urine output, pumping semen, achieving erections, and other activities based on the penis. And by toning this muscle group, you can help your body overcome erectile dysfunction.
This is done by identifying your pelvic floor muscles.
After establishing the location of your pelvic floor muscles, fix and tighten that muscle group. Hold it for two seconds, and let it relax. From there, do 10 reps.
By doing this every day, you can eventually strengthen and tone this vital muscle group, which can help your body achieve an erection.
This simple muscle targeting could be the way to save your erection.
The different exercises to fight against erectile dysfunction
1. Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises are one of the most common and beneficial erectile dysfunction exercises. In order to combat the effects of erectile dysfunction, you need to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Kegels, when done correctly, are the perfect way to achieve this!
In humans, kegels target and strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle. This muscle allows the penis to fill with blood during an erection, to pump during ejaculation and to empty the urethra after urination. By targeting this muscle, you should be able to see longer lasting and satisfying erections.
If you perform kegels daily, multiple times a day, you will surely notice improvements in erectile dysfunction.
Kegel exercises are also known to improve other issues such as urinary incontinence and other common urinary issues. They can also have a positive impact on your sex life!
2. Pilates exercises
Doing Pilates exercises regularly is also a great way to fight erectile dysfunction.
Start by lying on the floor with your knees bent and your feet on the ground.
Engage your pelvic floor muscles and slowly lower one knee laterally toward the floor. Keep both feet on the floor and lower your knee only as far as possible while engaging the pelvic muscles.
Exercise 1: Bring your knee to the center and repeat with the other knee. Perform at least five reps on each knee, aiming for up to 10 reps on each side.
Exercise 2: Begin by lying on the floor with both knees bent and feet on the floor.
Engage the pelvic floor muscles and lift one right foot into the air, creating a 45 degree angle. Hold this position for a few seconds.
Slowly lower your foot back to the floor and repeat on the other side.
Exercise 3: The Bridge or Shoulder Bridge, this exercise is common in Pilates. Start by lying on the floor with your hands by your side, your knees bent, and your feet on the floor.
Engage your pelvic floor muscles and lift your butt into the air. The weight of your body should rest on your shoulders.
Squeeze your butt and hold for a few seconds. Exhale and release as you slowly lie down on the floor.
Repeat this at least four to five times and work up to 10 reps for the best results!
3. Aerobic exercises
According to a 2018 study on the impact of physical activity on erectile dysfunction, aerobic exercise is proven to combat the effects of erectile dysfunction if done at least four times a week. The exercises must last at least 40 minutes and you must maintain a regular exercise routine for at least six months to see improvements with erectile dysfunction.