Adult film actors use this technique, why wouldn't you? I am referring to silicone injections which help to improve the size of the penis. After all, this method can help you double or even triple the girth of your penis. Rather interesting isn't it? What man wouldn't want to have a penis 30 cm wide? In reality, injections into the penis are painful and can even be dangerous.
Logical reasoning
We all know that silicone prostheses can be implanted in women's breasts, so why wouldn't it be possible to inject some inside the penis? It is a simple procedure that requires the injection of liquid silicone inside the scrotum and penis. You probably think it can help you get a huge penis, but in reality this technique mainly improves its circumference.
The inconvenients
A penis that is too large. Some men have reported that this method has made their penis as wide as their forearm. A penis of this size makes sexual intercourse painful or even impossible because the vagina is naturally designed to accommodate a normal-sized penis and not a forearm! Forget all those porn videos you've seen, most women can't stand such a big cock.
Necrotic nerves. Silicone injections can also seriously damage your penis. The pressure caused by the silicone can damage the tissues, blood vessels and nerves it houses. This can reduce or even eliminate sensations in this area. You will no longer be able to have erections and your penis will only be used to urinate. There is no treatment to repair this type of damage.
Discoloration. Your penis, testicles, and surrounding areas may swell and become discolored if you undergo this procedure.
Cancer. Silicone also has other negative effects, in particular it can cause the appearance of cancerous cells. Surgeons always use silicone-filled pouches during breast augmentation procedures. It is not recommended to let this substance flow directly inside the body.
Which methods are really effective?
There are reliable and effective methods that do not, however, achieve results as quickly as silicone injections. We recommend that you try Jelq exercises or expanders as these techniques can help you improve the size of your penis by gaining up to 3 cm. The results obtained are permanent. Stretching your penis is done gradually over several months, so you can avoid injury or damage to your penis. These methods also stretch your tissues and blood vessels, which greatly improves the quality of your erections. They therefore provide a double advantage.
We advise you to exercise caution when reading articles devoted to methods of improving penis size, especially if the results seem really unrealistic. It is possible to gain a few centimeters but you will have to devote time and effort to achieve it.