Medically, a weak erection is also called erectile dysfunction. Penile erection depends on many factors, such as age, general health, hormone levels, nerves, blood flow, mental state, and emotions. A weak erection occurs when these factors are affected.
The chances of erectile dysfunction increase as people age. However, age is not the only cause of a weak erection. Certain conditions and illnesses can also cause erectile dysfunction. These include
– Type 2 diabetes – Cardiopathy – Obesity – Benign prostatic hypertrophy – Hyperlipidemia (high level of lipids or cholesterol) – Atherosclerosis (obstructed blood vessels which lead to their hardening) – The hypertension (high blood pressure)- Chronic kidney disease – Liver disease – Parkinson's disease – Sleep disturbances – Low testosterone levels – Injury to the penis, prostate or spinal cord – Multiple sclerosis – Peyronie's disease (formation of scar tissue under the skin of the penis) – Treatments for prostate cancer – Radiation therapy – Prostate surgery
Certain medications can also cause a weak erection as a side effect. These are
– Antihypertensive drugs (medicines for blood pressure) – Antiandrogens (medicines used to treat prostate cancer) – Antidepressants (medicines for depression) – Sedatives (medicines that make a person drowsy) – Medicines for ulcers – Antihistamines ( cold and allergy medicine) – Appetite suppressant
The following addictions can also cause a weak erection:
– Smoker – Excessive consumption of alcohol – Use of recreational drugs
Psychological problems and emotional disturbances can also cause a weak erection. A person may not feel sexually aroused due to issues such as
– Fear of sexual failure – Anxiety – Depression – Problems in relationships, such as miscommunication, lack of communication or conflict – Low self-esteem – Stress (work stress, stress financial, sexual performance stress)
How to Treat a Weak Erection
The doctor will take the person's complete medical history and look for the causes of erectile dysfunction. He will examine the penis and testicles for signs of injury and check the nerves for sensation. Depending on the cause, he may recommend various treatment options. Each treatment has risks and benefits, which will be explained by the doctor.
Different treatment options include:
Medications : Medications that cause a strong penile erection are successful in treating erectile dysfunction in most men. These drugs work by increasing the amount of blood flow to the penis by increasing nitric oxide levels in the blood. Examples include:
– Sildenafil – Tadalafil – Vardenafil – Avanafil – Male extra Performer 8
If a person has heart disease or suffers from frequent drops in blood pressure, they cannot use them as they could be dangerous. Therefore, ask the doctor if you are suffering from these health conditions before taking such medications.
Other drugs to treat erectile dysfunction include
– Injectable alprostadil (injections) – Alprostadil urethral suppository (inserted into the urethra) – Testosterone replacement therapy
Penis pumps : These are vacuum erection devices with hollow tubes that are placed over the penis to suck the air inside the tube. This technique increases blood flow to the penis and causes a hard, full erection during intercourse.
Penile implants : Penile implants are devices that are placed on both sides of the penis via surgery. These devices make the penis firm but also allow it to bend.
Exercise : Moderate cardio exercises can help improve erectile dysfunction.Ask your doctor for advice on what sports you can practice.
Tip : If psychological issues, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, are causing weak erections, see a mental or sex therapist with your partner. They can guide a person on techniques to help him get rid of his mental obstacles and also his weak erection.
Pay attention to the warning signs and consult your doctor if weak erection problems begin to occur more frequently. Although erection problems can be difficult to live with, there are effective treatments.